Indiana Heritage Arts

46th Annual Exhibition & Sale

June 8 – July 13, 2024

Awards Reception Friday, June 7 · 6 pm


…a Juried Fine Art Exhibition and Sale of traditional and representational Indiana art following the legacy of the artists who founded the Brown County Art Colony in the early 1900s.

From the Show Chair

Thank you for your interest in the 46th Annual Indiana Heritage Arts Exhibition and Sale. The Board of Directors is pleased and honored to be able to produce a high quality exhibition that gives Indiana artists a professional venue in which to present their artwork. I wish to acknowledge and thank the Board of IHA for their hard work and selfless dedication to the fine tradition of Indiana art. We are also grateful for the staff of the Brown County Art Gallery–Jeanne Bennett, Kimoy Bennett, and Bern Waldhier for their support, which is integral for us.

I’d also like to thank our judge, Eric Jacobsen, who came to Peaceful Valley all the way from Maine to judge our show. He did wonderful work for us and we are grateful.

Lastly, I wish to thank the artists who entered. We thank you for your efforts to share your creativity with us, your artworks beautify the world and keep the legacy of Indiana art alive.

Please also consider attending the “Painting Selma’s garden” event at the T. C. Steele State Historic site on June 15. Indiana artists will be on the grounds painting that day and there will be an opportunity to purchase the new creations at the evening reception. Tours of the home, studio, and gardens are available and at 6:00 p.m. the staff from the Steele Site will present a history-based program in the Visitor Center. Reception reservations are required.

Jim Ross
Show Chairman


Eric Jacobsen

Eric Jacobsen was born and raised in New England. He received a BA in History from Gordon College in Wenham, MA in 1989 and studied fine art at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts in Old Lyme, CT from 1991-1995. At the Academy he received training in the Beaux Arts tradition of drawing and painting from life.

Eric’s true inspiration is the amazing beauty that he sees in nature. Jacobsen is a “Plein Air” painter. He takes his oils wherever he goes, setting up on site, working until his painting is finished.

“It is most important to me that my paintings convey a certain mood”, Eric says. “I want them to be felt by the viewer without his or her having to analyze or think about them. As a general rule, I try to find strong compositions in nature and then paint the scene accurately while leaving out any extraneous details which would only busy up the painting and detract from the strength of the piece as a whole. My painting process consists of finding a painting site and setting up to paint for a couple of hours, or until the light has changed. For larger paintings, I will return on consecutive days at the same time, under similar lighting conditions to finish a piece.”

2024 Indiana Heritage Arts Exhibition Award Winners

Congratulations to the Artists Accepted into the 46th Annual Exhibition

Sally Alexander

Jason Bailey

Kathy Blankenheim
The Road to Town, Hendricks County
Peonies on the Porch
Rockport Sunset

Roy Boswell*
Looking Out into the Warmth
Summer Shade
Reflecting on a Ditch

Jeff Bottom
The Majestic

Eric Brock*
Summer Pearls
Sunset Friends

Char Brown
Heavenly Homestead

Beverly Bruntz
A Pretty Pair
Walking In The Moonlight

Luke Buck
Owl Creek Road
The We Shed
The Rund Farm

Ken Bucklew*
The Autumn Weeds

Ron Burgess*
Somewhere Along The Way
Golden Sunrise

Mark Burkett
Fields of April

Susie Byerley
Georgia on My Mind

John Michael Carter*
The Garden Gate
The Siamese Cat

Cindy Crofoot Mulvaney
Maia and Monarchs

Mary Ann Davis
Flooded Field
In the Woods
River Light

Lyle Denney*
Twilight Near Vallonia

Steve Dodge*
An Esteemed Leader

Fred Doloresco
Early Spring
The Green RV
Stone Bridge

Daniel Driggs
Peaceful Morning on the Farm
Two Cedar Waxwings

Phillip Erbaugh
Construction on 40

Brad Fields*
Burke’s Bend
Cold White Barn

Tim Greatbatch
Jackson Creek Idyll
Salt Creek Nocturne

Mary Gretsinger*
Soybean Harvest
Wawasee Morning

Chris Griffin-Woods
High Peaked Barn

Lesley Haflich
Basking in the Glow

Suzanna Hendrix
Junk Drawer

Thomas Himsel
The Natural Order

Allen Hutton
Almost Spring

Bill Inman
Delicate Strength

Brian Charles Johnson*
Stuck Daydreaming
Falling Yellowwood
Systematic Sunrise

Jeffrey Klinker
Green Pasture

April Knox
Grey Day

Abby Laux
More than I Sought

Jeanne McLeish

Mark Millis
A Old Swimmin’ Hole

C.W. Mundy*
Selma’s Garden
Big Sur

Pam Newell
Lilacs and Lace

Chris Newlund*
Cross Lit
My Cabin-Plein Air

Kate Orr*
Goodnight My Someone
Annie’s Nook

Dianna Porter
Wakin’ Up is Hard to Do
Evening News
The Golden Hour Dismantled

Todd Reifers
Holiday Lights

J. Rodney Reveal
What Do You Think

Patricia Rhoden (Bartels)
Winter Twilight

Thom Robinson
T.C. Steele Cottage

Douglas Runyan*
Monhegan Fish House
Skinner Creek, Brown County State Park
Cold And Sunny

David M. Seward*
Autumn Wood
Calico Corner
Laundry House

Donna Shortt*
Fit Like a Glove
Forest of Decisions
Go Toward the Light

Jerry Smith*
Valley Imprint
Yachats Beach
Sycamore Segue

Rita Spalding

Scott E. Sullivan

Justin Vining
Winter on the Pleasant Run Creek
Whittier Alley in Irvington

Steve Warner
Morning Drive

Carol Strock Wasson*
Morning Haze
Worth Family Preserve-Winter

Libby Whipple*
Morning Fog – New Harmony, Indiana
Odon, Indiana

Rick Wilson
Pastoral Sunset
Warm Summer Evening

Marilyn Witt
Corn Harvested Just in Time

Dan Woodson
Edge of the Creek

Tom Woodson*
Barn on Hwy 27
Grandpa’s Farm

Shirley Woolard
Autumn Lingering

* award winner