Happy New Year to IHA artists, members, and donors!
Indiana Heritage Arts had a great 2022 and we are looking forward to the New Year. Sales remain strong in the Rapp Gallery at the Brown County Art Gallery and we were thrilled to add a new partner event with the T. C. Steele State Historic Site. “Painting Selma’s Garden” will return in June of 2023 with some additions, including an expanded Paint Out and Sale and a special Program that will precede the reception. The Indiana State Museum, the Gallery Foundation, and IHA are all on board for this special event.
Upcoming Events
Visit our 2023 IHA Calendar of Events and make a point to save it for your 2023 planning. 2023 Events include the Annual Meeting on January 21 (instructions on participating will be posted), and the 45th Annual Exhibition and Sale.

Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers to help with the IHA annual exhibition and sale, as well as the Mabel B. Annis Student Art Competition, and the Selma’s Garden event. Contact Lyn Letsinger-Miller if you are interested — Lynlmiller623@gmail.com