2025 Call For Entries

Major Changes

We are making some Major Changes to our 2025 Annual Exhibition Call for Entries

This year artists will be sent an email with attachments to be downloaded, printed, filled out and mailed back or dropped off at the Gallery. No online entries.

An entry fee check can be included in the mailed entry or dropped off at the Gallery.

Those using a credit card  can call the Brown County Art Gallery and make a payment.

The entry email will also be on the IHA website to download and we encourage artists to share the email with fellow artists who might be interested.

It is our goal to reach out to as many artists as possible.

Two other changes, artists do not have to upload photos of their work. IHA photographers will shoot them after the exhibit is up.

Also, in addition to early drop off days at the Gallery, artists will be able to drop off work at James Ross Fine Art in Indianapolis. We hope this will help more northern artists to enter.

Be on the lookout in the coming days for the official 2025 Call for Entry Email.

It will contain all the entry instructions, wall tags to be attached to the back left side of the painting, and all important dates and contact info.

We hope this new process will make it easier to enter and will reach more artists by bringing the entry form directly to all.

Indiana Heritage Arts
Board of Directors
James R Ross
Show chairman
(317) 255-4561 (land line)
(317) 809-8807 (cell)
Brown County Art Gallery
(812) 988-4609

Volunteers Welcome

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the IHA annual exhibition and sale, as well as the Mabel B. Annis Student Art Competition, and the Selma’s Garden event.

Contact Lyn Letsinger-Miller if you are interested.